Monday, September 12, 2011

Richard and his younger brother came to visit me today in Muehlhausen. They asked if there were any lakes around and, being the out-of-towner that I am, I said no, but of course my host mom informed me that there was (huh, she could have let me know a little sooner). Anyway, we rode our bikes there - because in Germany, everything you need is within biking or walking distance, and when I say need, I am not including such materialistic things like fashion latest trends - and the first thing I see, bathing in the sunlight, is a beautiful German woman, slender like all the others, with dishwater blonde hair. No where around was a sign stating that nudity was or was not permitted because it doesn’t matter. My friends and I bathed for a few moments in the cold water then quickly got it, parting ways after this for supper. I guess I just love nudity and living where I can see for miles and being able to walk safely to the things I need. It’s nice here, peaceful.

Though the boredom I am feeling at the moment makes me sad sometimes, living in a rural suburb without means of using the bus yet, my surrounding fields always cheer me up. Right now, I'm almost 2 weeks strong without binging, but it's not like I'm even trying not to- just works that way right now. I am feeling happier and healthier... and shyer haha my German is not as good as I'd thought. As of right now, I only hope to survive my first day of school. I am content.

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